Friday, March 23, 2007

Monthly Test

YEAH!!! Monthly test has just over... So happy... It was a very tiring week... Phew...

Well, thats all for today... I have many things to do first...

..........BYE BYE..........

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Taggy Taggy

I've been tagged by my own sister, Li Shia :(

Rules: The player of this game needs to give 6 weird things about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about this game giving 6 weird things about themselves as well. In addition, they have to state the rules clearly. After completing the tag, u need to compile a list of 6 people to be tagged, then leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged. Ok... Here goes nothing...6 weird things about myself...

1. Always think my room as a office...

Next time when my sisters have boyfriend, i'll make them see me in my room for interview... Hahahaha... Or if they lost any things, they can find me at my room...

2. Hates shopping for cloths...

I hate that activity the most... HATE IT... HATE IT...

3. Have more boy friends than girl friends...

I also dunno why my friends are mostly boys... In my class, majority are boys as my friends... Maybe because girls only mix with their gangs and they see people... Boys, don't care who u are...

4. Always serious...

Don't ask me why i'm like that... I also dunno...

5. Don't like makeups...

Don't u know? If u use more makeups, then u will kill more unharmful animals...

6. Crazy over story books...

Its the best things in my life... LOVE IT...

The people i'm gonna tag will be:
1) Ho Tian Hui
2) Amirul
3) Jovian
4) Pearl Lee
5) Wan Ting
6) Yee Theng

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My School Sport Day

Hey... Its been so long since i update my blog... Well, i was very busy... Oh ya... I wanna tell u about my 'Sport Day' that recently happened... It was very fun... Also, PBSM was the champion for this year... I'm soo happy... I met alot of friends in there and we became very close together... I hope we will always stay like this forever... GO PBSM !!!!!!!!!

So, thats all for today... Bye... Bye...